Pivot Points Calculator
Berinvestasi pada aset seperti saham, obligasi, mata uang kripto, futures, opsi, dan CFD melibatkan risiko tinggi. CFD sangat berisiko, 74-89% akun ritel mengalami kerugian karena leverage tinggi dan kompleksitas investasi ini. Mata uang kripto dan opsi mengalami volatilitas ekstrem, dan futures juga dapat mengakibatkan rugi signifikan. Saham dan obligasi pun dapat merosot tajam dengan cepat saat pasar menurun, dan rugi total dapat terjadi jika perusahaan penerbitnya pailit. Selain itu, stabilitas broker sangat penting. Apabila terjadi pailit, skema kompensasi investor yang efektif sangat penting untuk melindungi aset Anda. Pastikan investasi ini sesuai dengan tujuan finansial Anda. Jika diperlukan, berkonsultasilah dengan pakar finansial profesional untuk memahami pasar finansial yang kompleks.
Read more about us ⇾Kami menerima komisi dari sejumlah mitra afiliasi tanpa membebankan biaya tambahan kepada pengguna (mitra kami tertera pada halaman 'Tentang Kami' di bagian 'Mitra'). Konten kami tetap netral dan independen, terlepas adanya afiliasi tersebut. Kami mendapatkan penghasilan melalui iklan banner dan kemitraan afiliasi, yang tidak berpengaruh pada ulasan netral dan integritas konten kami. Tim editorial dan pemasaran kami bekerja secara independen, memastikan keakuratan dan objektivitas pandangan finansial kami.
Read more about us ⇾Data diperbarui secara terus menerus oleh staf dan sistem kami.
Terakhir diperbarui: 15/09/2023
Use our accurate Pivot Points Calculator to help you find the next day pivot levels and the three main levels of support and resistance of any instrument.
What is a Pivot Point Calculator
A Pivot Point Calculator is a tool used in technical analysis to determine potential support and resistance levels for a financial asset, such as a stock, currency pair, or commodity. These levels can be valuable for traders and investors to make informed decisions about entry and exit points in the market.
The most commonly used method to calculate pivot points is the Standard Pivot Point Formula. Here's the formula and a brief explanation of the terms:
- Pivot Point (PP) = (High + Low + Close) / 3
- High: The highest price reached during the previous trading session.
- Low: The lowest price reached during the previous trading session.
- Close: The closing price of the previous trading session.
Once you have the Pivot Point (PP), you can calculate support and resistance levels based on it:
- First Support Level (S1) = (2 * PP) - High
- First Resistance Level (R1) = (2 * PP) - Low
- Second Support Level (S2) = PP - (High - Low)
- Second Resistance Level (R2) = PP + (High - Low)
- Third Support Level (S3) = Low - 2 * (High - PP)
- Third Resistance Level (R3) = High + 2 * (PP - Low)
To use a Pivot Point Calculator, you need the high, low, and closing prices of the previous trading session. You plug these values into the formula to calculate the Pivot Point and its associated support and resistance levels.
Many trading platforms and financial websites offer Pivot Point Calculators where you can input the necessary data, and the calculator will provide you with the Pivot Point and its support and resistance levels automatically. These calculators are especially popular among day traders and technical analysts.
Please note that Pivot Points are just one tool in technical analysis, and traders often use them in conjunction with other indicators and strategies to make informed trading decisions. Additionally, the effectiveness of Pivot Points can vary depending on market conditions and the asset being analyzed.
Our Pivot Point Calculator is powered by CBFX trading tools.