加密货币交易中心列表 / 评论
Reliable exchange ratings based on regulatory strength, liquidity, web traffic and popularity, pricing, features, and customer support, with undiscounted fees comparison.
Exchange | 注册链接 | 总体评价 | 规 | 量 24 小时 | 接受者费用 | 制作费 | # 币 | # 币对 | 支持Fiat | 接受美国客户 | 接受加拿大客户 | 接受日本客户 | 资产类别 | 每月自然访问 | d8a1b7a6-0f61-4374-981b-1dd22005b847 | ||
BenSwap |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
2 币 |
在 50,000 下 | 9e92b8df-88d8-40a8-bbe2-a7b65d8161f0 | https://info.benswap.cash/home | |||||||||
ViperSwap | 7 币 |
在 50,000 下 | b1bc4b98-f19f-4c74-85f7-b4574057cb11 | https://viper.exchange | |||||||||||
YodeSwap |
$43 80.32%
4 币 | 4 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | f6548cf5-7107-4272-94ab-86ac59411bc5 | https://yodeswap.dog/exchange | |||||||||
Greenhouse |
$34 94.14%
费用 | 费用 | 3 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 1747f3bb-df4c-4c5a-9d46-750a94f3b2de | greenhousedex.com | |||||||
WingSwap |
$2 53.08%
费用 | 费用 | 3 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | e7252dbd-d58b-434d-85ba-e30d9e8334b4 | https://app.wingswap.io/ | app.wingswap.io | ||||||
CantoSwap |
$1 36.59%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 96050d15-1f7c-43aa-b7e0-7bf6c6c63ca0 | https://www.cantoswap.fi/#/swap | |||||||
Decaswap |
$0 4.09%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | cd58d562-1155-4b2d-9bd4-89a0f3e98408 | https://decaswap.finance/swap | |||||||
MoraSwap |
$3,494 7.73%
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 币 | 5 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | d0e158e0-2fb2-432c-9cdf-afd1c082acc2 | https://moraswap.com/exchange/swap | |||||||
RCP Swap |
$3,444 44.26%
0.00% |
0.00% |
6 币 | 7 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 244a605a-307e-40cd-afcc-e3f8610fcbcb | https://rcpswap.com/#/swap | |||||||
DoveSwap v3 |
$2,538 45.87%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
5 币 | 6 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | a5340b34-b7e4-4c7f-af04-75265e4c122d | https://swap.dovish.finance/ | |||||||
Energiswap |
$2,222 479.13%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 88e50011-33e0-45b1-aa8c-70ee317040e7 | https://energiswap.exchange/ | |||||||
Gravity Finance |
$2,000 184.98%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
10 币 | 14 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | d4aead52-8371-483e-941f-14e0a42c9cc7 | https://gravityfinance.io/ | |||||||
GemSwap |
$1,930 687.68%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 68a04ffd-629e-4e47-ba65-f7ab4d28c35e | https://zks.gemswap.online | |||||||
LFGSwap (Arbitrum) |
$1,205 19.60%
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 币 | 6 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | c752f707-0748-448a-b6bb-2b484ae11b3d | https://app.lfgswap.finance/swap?chainId=42161 | |||||||
Forteswap |
$651 97.57%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 8be4c572-a30b-4c6b-af22-c958ba11d4f0 | https://forteswap.xyz/ | |||||||
KibbleSwap |
$12 590.26%
0.00% |
0.00% |
3 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 6a4e2011-6467-4011-ac42-14347a9d9318 | https://kibbleswap.dog | |||||||
MM Finance (Arbitrum) |
$514 18.52%
0.00% |
0.00% |
6 币 | 6 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | b3858609-034c-4bdb-8df0-f42e4d06b132 | https://arbimm.finance/ | |||||||
Bored Candy City |
$392 79.50%
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 币 | 3 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 8f614932-5a1a-4db1-b146-2807b4f85bc9 | https://candycity.finance/ | |||||||
Lizard |
$351 122.31%
0.00% |
0.00% |
3 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 7e62e0bb-a1f5-4009-b352-4da4c49ed120 | https://www.lizard.exchange | |||||||
Zyberswap |
$337 10.66%
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 币 | 4 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 89a9fa99-690c-4620-b542-c1ec06b1967a | https://app.zyberswap.io/exchange/swap | |||||||
OreoSwap |
$194 110.33%
0.00% |
0.00% |
8 币 | 6 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 60992c64-0ab1-4383-bd8b-8d5e2582dfa9 | https://oreoswap.finance/ | |||||||
AmpleSwap |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
8 币 |
在 50,000 下 | 5731b0b5-eb40-488d-912d-8d1377d343a9 | https://info.ampleswap.com/pairs | |||||||||
Alien.Fi |
$43 209.46%
0.00% |
0.00% |
3 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 365ae032-c32c-4202-964f-d1a2e4525143 | https://www.alien.fi/ | |||||||
ListaDao |
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 |
在 50,000 下 | 848541c6-f7c6-49d4-a9dd-43fcbdd00a44 | ||||||||||
FlairDex |
$24 30.97%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
4 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 9bc4c6ba-5b8a-4c37-8084-d05dc9e8fd15 | https://app.flairdex.xyz/swap | |||||||
CroSwap |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
2 币 |
在 50,000 下 | b3cac8d0-a707-46e3-8ea0-2ccd9636ae8a | https://croswap.com/ | |||||||||
AbstraDex(X layer) |
$5 416.97%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 354bf009-d777-4921-8548-335fe10f702e | https://abstradex.xyz/ | |||||||
3xcalibur |
$1 318.85%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 06f1019a-6064-45a0-9d6e-af89277b5983 | https://app.3xcalibur.com/swap | |||||||
BlastDex |
$1 0.27%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 07329e48-40ed-4f78-ba0e-2916de802be3 | https://blastdex.xyz/swap | |||||||
SkullSwap |
$0 55.82%
0.00% |
0.00% |
3 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 9b299084-acee-4d3a-a5c2-499053a19d60 | https://www.skullswap.exchange/#/swap | |||||||
Ezkalibur |
$3,218 195.37%
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 币 | 3 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | a2eab696-bb20-4ae5-a211-9b9bb133de41 | https://dapp.ezkalibur.com/ | |||||||
Mars Ecosystem |
$804 64.54%
费用 | 费用 | 3 币 | 3 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 69a015a8-18b3-43df-bb54-9514ea988cc2 | https://marsecosystem.com | |||||||
RocketSwap |
$69,748 907.15%
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 币 | 4 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | f0539b94-7ebe-400b-83e7-1ea8803b12a3 | https://app.rocketswap.cc/exchange/swap | |||||||
LFGSwap (Core) |
$1,056 141.08%
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 币 | 4 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 0c5c5327-d6c7-465d-9d57-9acbe1450fb0 | https://app.lfgswap.finance/swap?chainId=1116 | |||||||
Arbidex |
$281 5.15%
0.00% |
0.00% |
6 币 | 5 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 12db6434-fd50-4985-ace4-d6073c53526d | https://arbidex.fi/swap/ | |||||||
Core Dao Swap |
$39 219.35%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | efff302c-c96f-44e6-a2e1-36d7ad0ba6e1 | https://www.coredaoswap.com/ | |||||||
DogSwap |
$15 312.47%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 999656ce-089b-45e9-b622-44a1fea3282f | https://dog-swap.finance/ | |||||||
Thruster |
$143,937,198 1,313.58%
0.00% |
0.00% |
19 币 | 42 币对 |
79,760 (99.54%) | a63e0f97-9eaf-45a5-9af9-16f1b887c129 | https://app.thruster.finance/ | |||||||
iZiSwap (Zeta) |
$30,020 27.58%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
214,739 (99.66%) | fbc180f1-c5af-4f19-8e6d-4b2c33508786 | https://izumi.finance/ | |||||||
Huobi |
$1,931,889,990 37.53%
0.04% 费用 |
0.02% 费用 |
716 币 | 859 币对 |
135,668 (99.67%) | b7a7d653-a2f2-4f6c-8e51-9ec8d1de009a | https://www.huobi.com/ | ||||||||
Digital Financial Exchange |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
3 币 |
18,776 (99.38%) | 207d64b0-030f-4e46-bd60-e2ee437f980d | https://difx.com/market | |||||||||
CommEX |
$30,100,445 6.30%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
135 币 | 183 币对 |
108,557 (99.97%) | 7f467c35-44b3-4c24-9c06-344e1810f053 | https://www.commex.com | |||||||
Billance | 费用 | 费用 | 187 币 |
在 50,000 下 | 7664869f-a620-4315-b3a1-bf33e433d945 | https://www.billance.com/ | |||||||||
PancakeSwap v3 (BSC) |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
445 币 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | 29b965be-a3d2-4add-9ef5-a1c986dca699 | https://pancakeswap.finance | |||||||||
One Trading |
$1,827,185 254.67%
0.00% |
0.00% |
18 币 | 21 币对 |
58,154 (99.48%) | 12539084-d90d-4797-a05a-f3f33c21c934 | https://onetrading.com/ | |||||||
Tarmex |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
73 币 |
在 50,000 下 | 7b045967-ea1e-4aff-82a4-ffc9dbdba481 | https://tarmex.io | |||||||||
Canto Dex |
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 币 |
20,351 (99.51%) | 2431ea56-4161-4d0e-8f64-27c8b9766ef7 | https://canto.io/ | |||||||||
Mango Markets |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
11 币 |
10,854 (99.51%) | d6b831dc-cad5-4a00-9684-3126d742eb18 | https://trade.mango.markets/ | |||||||||
Coinhub | 费用 | 费用 | 23 币 |
14,079 (99.64%) | 893b7d2b-86ae-4bad-83ea-c2e44fb04fa6 | https://www.coinhub.mn/ | |||||||||
ZigZag (zkSync Lite) | 费用 | 费用 | 25 币 |
7,116 (99.41%) | 7c1b0c66-1879-4fc5-8249-60c952633564 | https://trade.zigzag.exchange/ | |||||||||