암호화폐 거래소 목록 / 리뷰
Reliable exchange ratings based on regulatory strength, liquidity, web traffic and popularity, pricing, features, and customer support, with undiscounted fees comparison.
Exchange | 가입 링크 | 전체 평점 | 규제 | 거래량 24시간 | 테이커 수수료 | 메이커 수수료 | # 코인 | # 쌍 | 피아트 지원 | 미국인 허용 | 캐나다 고객 수락 | 일본 고객 수락 | 자산 등급 | 유기적인 월간 방문 | 7f423d29-c243-44dd-aa65-5288ac8a2df3 | ||
Uniswap v3 (Celo) |
$14,997,952 83.49%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
14 코인 | 35 쌍 |
3,741,688 (99.92%) | 10e9bf0e-5ce4-49c4-9ef6-9154a4a1d1ed | https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap | |||||||
Uniswap v3 (Avalanche) |
$13,412,413 71.82%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
31 코인 | 42 쌍 |
3,741,688 (99.92%) | ea3afa76-19ff-4084-ac0f-683e31a73ea1 | https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap | |||||||
Uniswap v2 (Base) |
0.00% |
0.00% |
173 코인 |
3,741,688 (99.92%) | 98b953e9-6586-4f71-abcc-29eddd6885eb | https://uniswap.org/ | |||||||||
DeFi Swap | 9 코인 |
3,562,970 (99.69%) | c4f111f9-e080-444c-9e73-8d80b7a79e39 | https://crypto.com/defi/swap | |||||||||||
Uniswap v3 (Blast) |
$45,114 97.10%
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 코인 | 9 쌍 |
3,741,688 (99.92%) | 0e9aa9e3-d7f4-4133-b722-26975d5a5bb8 | https://app.uniswap.org/ | |||||||
Verse |
$32,167 91.01%
0.00% |
0.00% |
8 코인 | 7 쌍 |
3,489,329 (98.19%) | f96b9524-356d-4329-8655-e71a010f8411 | https://verse.bitcoin.com/ | |||||||
Uniswap v2 (Blast) |
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 코인 |
3,741,688 (99.92%) | cd885750-1fc8-4d1a-9fae-f00278903d95 | https://app.uniswap.org/ | |||||||||
Foxbit |
$6,829,089 10.07%
수수료 | 수수료 | 88 코인 | 93 쌍 |
237,314 (98.67%) | 3ea5d586-2900-4ed3-abe2-52370aa518c3 | https://foxbit.com.br/grafico-bitcoin/ | |||||||
CoinDCX |
$8,945,916 58.68%
수수료 | 수수료 | 512 코인 | 904 쌍 |
1,074,481 (99.94%) | a41871c6-904f-4fed-bb45-fab0b86397c3 | https://coindcx.com | |||||||
BitMEX |
$638,889,086 36.48%
수수료 | 수수료 | 78 코인 | 110 쌍 |
558,861 (99.62%) | 61669507-7b62-463f-81b0-83d28532f8c8 | https://www.bitmex.com/ | |||||||
Coinlist Pro |
$251,466 9.96%
0.50% 수수료 |
0.50% 수수료 |
64 코인 | 89 쌍 |
Staking (cryptocurrencies)
404,214 (99.74%) | f9799f55-5427-4d01-8f91-7dd98821c9f0 | https://pro.coinlist.co | pro.coinlist.co | ||||||
Mercado Bitcoin |
$11,578,240 28.70%
0.70% 수수료 |
0.30% 수수료 |
25 코인 | 25 쌍 |
237,314 (98.67%) | 06ed8e4a-eab8-47e0-8dfe-944ea841fd6a | https://www.mercadobitcoin.com.br/ | |||||||
Independent Reserve |
$8,463,785 5.36%
수수료 | 수수료 | 30 코인 | 104 쌍 |
219,708 (99.81%) | 1b0c2627-0fbd-400a-811d-f315088324cd | https://www.independentreserve.com/ | |||||||
Websea |
$2,665,571,773 72.46%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
104 코인 | 136 쌍 |
336,488 (98.77%) | ef652695-7fba-4fd7-9e4c-3d58053dcb0b | https://www.websea.com | |||||||
TradeOgre |
$2,224,223 20.60%
수수료 | 수수료 | 62 코인 | 66 쌍 |
711,683 (99.89%) | 060420c4-ab5f-4fc2-a740-e73e79726596 | https://tradeogre.com/ | |||||||
Jupiter |
$225,241,560 22.90%
621 코인 | 901 쌍 |
2,435,394 (99.94%) | 5796b4e0-8daf-4205-b2a9-8ef250e5525d | https://jup.ag/ | |||||||||
Backpack Exchange |
$5,233,773 57.06%
0.095% 수수료 |
0.085% 수수료 |
47 코인 | 46 쌍 |
155,617 (99.69%) | dc67eab2-d501-483c-8d51-52a5fa5685fd | https://backpack.exchange/ | |||||||
$711,633,359 57.56%
0.03% 수수료 |
0.03% 수수료 |
201 코인 | 302 쌍 |
179,363 (99.60%) | 7045b832-d35c-4403-b273-feeb5e3d063e | https://woo.org/ | |||||||
PancakeSwap v2 (BSC) |
$49,660,994 23.65%
0.25% 수수료 |
0.25% 수수료 |
1699 코인 | 2000 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | 8c8713a6-a18d-442f-b93c-896b807ea114 | https://pancakeswap.finance/ | |||||||
PancakeSwap v2 (Aptos) |
$1,132,887 61.67%
0.00% |
0.00% |
22 코인 | 32 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | 6b497d1a-b96d-442b-b69f-ed26018e0e5f | https://pancakeswap.finance/?chainId=1 | |||||||
PancakeSwap |
$460,775 58.92%
0.25% 수수료 |
0.25% 수수료 |
125 코인 | 171 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | ef54a4d9-c177-436c-8635-047a38d47961 | https://pancakeswap.finance/ | |||||||
PancakeSwap v2 (Ethereum) |
$66,712 64.24%
0.00% |
0.00% |
6 코인 | 5 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | 61597222-e25e-476e-bca5-8809bd5e1d68 | https://pancakeswap.finance/?chainId=1 | |||||||
PancakeSwap v3 (Ethereum) |
$26,904,801 7.51%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
35 코인 | 46 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | 27a3558e-6972-43ba-9872-2ca7f80896fb | https://pancakeswap.finance/ | |||||||
IndoEx |
$2,425,111,342 2.23%
0.15% 수수료 |
0.15% 수수료 |
78 코인 | 134 쌍 |
126,717 (99.46%) | a7d6343c-0e58-4155-afe6-d4b2d272e41d | https://international.indoex.io/ | international.indoex.io | ||||||
Raydium (CLMM) |
$251,216,173 32.92%
0.00% |
0.00% |
142 코인 | 216 쌍 |
1,976,021 (99.90%) | 9e7bbaea-2c65-48b9-9955-ba98e4247d15 | https://raydium.io/ | |||||||
PancakeSwap v3 (zkSync Era) |
$4,662,136 49.37%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
12 코인 | 27 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | 65c60d07-b4cb-4a51-9c32-cafda34b059d | https://pancakeswap.finance | |||||||
TruBit Pro Exchange |
$22,363,133,386 51.94%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
153 코인 | 241 쌍 |
504,635 (95.71%) | 00ac97d8-946a-4bd1-9293-c36e7bae3692 | https://www.trubit.com/pro | |||||||
STON.fi |
$12,664,508 83.41%
0.00% |
0.00% |
65 코인 | 82 쌍 |
1,645,430 (99.80%) | 12d92080-3a99-4213-82f5-52f5cd85041d | https://app.ston.fi/swap | |||||||
Raydium (CPMM) |
$2,417,747 19.43%
0.00% |
0.00% |
80 코인 | 75 쌍 |
1,976,021 (99.90%) | fe2f6dff-83f3-4b1b-b50a-2cde3527a914 | https://raydium.io/ | |||||||
NovaDAX |
$13,126,771 7.08%
수수료 | 수수료 | 415 코인 | 435 쌍 |
237,314 (98.67%) | ba0415cb-7312-4d49-8769-5f0f60632a7a | http://www.novadax.com.br/ | |||||||
Poloniex | 수수료 10.00% 할인 |
$678,858,864 15.69%
0.155% 수수료 |
0.145% 수수료 |
697 코인 | 799 쌍 |
483,093 (99.65%) | 1670fb0f-2b5a-44ca-a5bd-92de9d233f87 | https://poloniex.com/signup?c=GN8V8XQU | |||||||
BitoPro |
$29,168,581 48.28%
수수료 | 수수료 | 23 코인 | 30 쌍 |
215,918 (99.90%) | a36f15f4-1a16-42c6-b9d9-510e35a588a9 | https://www.bitopro.com/ | |||||||
PancakeSwap v3 (BSC) |
$317,568,729 48.81%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
445 코인 | 645 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | b16c92a8-0eab-47a7-b7a9-8f48975d61d9 | https://pancakeswap.finance | |||||||
Raydium |
$248,357,097 25.65%
0.25% 수수료 |
0.25% 수수료 |
1140 코인 | 1250 쌍 |
1,328,829 (99.87%) | 30718300-d44e-47ab-a205-228f7b31d229 | https://raydium.io/ | |||||||
SushiSwap (Ethereum) |
$3,923,570 37.28%
0.30% 수수료 |
0.30% 수수료 |
138 코인 | 139 쌍 |
1,097,537 (99.72%) | 6784ec07-af0c-41f2-af5a-3b1e1deea533 | https://app.sushi.com/swap | app.sushi.com | ||||||
SushiSwap (Polygon) |
$316,606 1.24%
0.30% |
0.30% |
55 코인 | 67 쌍 |
1,097,537 (99.72%) | 7d2084b0-1f14-49d5-b676-1cb76fa510fc | https://app.sushi.com/swap | app.sushi.com | ||||||
SushiSwap (Gnosis) |
$118,541 398.50%
9 코인 | 10 쌍 |
1,097,537 (99.72%) | 76e803e2-d50f-446c-8aee-46816d18baeb | https://app.sushi.com/swap | app.sushi.com | ||||||||
Pancakeswap v3 (Base) |
$23,625,701 21.19%
0.00% |
0.00% |
17 코인 | 33 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | 340c91c5-f02b-4e7a-85b5-9dbd58fb5559 | https://pancakeswap.finance/ | |||||||
PancakeSwap v2 (zkSync Era) |
$21,746 17.91%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
8 코인 | 7 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | 50af3753-e870-463d-897c-af9ff0cee5ae | https://pancakeswap.finance | |||||||
PancakeSwap v3 (Polygon zkEVM) |
$19,238 43.82%
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 코인 | 5 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | 6b873dfd-7650-4c07-8122-7d3cafe298ec | https://pancakeswap.finance | |||||||
PancakeSwap v2 (Base) |
$64 78.91%
0.00% |
0.00% |
7 코인 | 6 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | fbc4978a-5055-45f9-b6d4-072f49fafa39 | https://pancakeswap.finance/ | |||||||
GroveX |
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
210 코인 |
192,075 (82.34%) | c7373640-bcbe-417a-9c26-1c9741317df8 | https://www.grovex.io/ | |||||||||
PancakeSwap v3 (Arbitrum) |
$51,714,200 19.51%
0.00% |
0.00% |
28 코인 | 54 쌍 |
1,378,514 (99.39%) | bd917015-efb4-4e47-b8fa-f2e3dc986311 | https://pancakeswap.finance/ | |||||||
CoinUp.io |
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
176 코인 |
246,124 (81.02%) | ad257f7f-8888-4e1f-9aab-e253f95cd81b | https://www.coinup.io/en_US/ | |||||||||
$45,485,702 4.45%
0.08% 수수료 |
0.05% 수수료 |
70 코인 | 180 쌍 |
384,573 (99.95%) | 47008fd2-4f9c-4304-a46b-f8cba69909c6 | https://exmo.me/ | ||||||||
WazirX |
$0 0.00%
0.20% 수수료 |
0.20% 수수료 |
289 코인 | 543 쌍 |
1,050,945 (99.90%) | d6cd5024-1dff-4b13-890a-18f00ee245cc | https://wazirx.com/ | |||||||
HitBTC |
$196,789,504 38.83%
0.25% 수수료 |
0.10% 수수료 |
454 코인 | 827 쌍 |
113,837 (99.51%) | f6309d89-8807-41bd-89f0-409d2b508d9d | https://hitbtc.com | |||||||
Ripio | 수수료 | 수수료 | 34 코인 |
181,217 (99.88%) | 45f33df5-6b39-4c76-ba39-6d2c374dbabf | https://exchange.ripio.com/app/trade/ | exchange.ripio.com | ||||||||
SushiSwap (Arbitrum) |
$493,834 119.34%
0.30% 수수료 |
0.30% 수수료 |
48 코인 | 51 쌍 |
1,097,537 (99.72%) | 619db94a-cf25-4378-a20e-55b106e6cbf7 | https://app.sushi.com/swap | app.sushi.com | ||||||
SushiSwap (Avalanche) |
$841 21.10%
5 코인 | 5 쌍 |
1,097,537 (99.72%) | 8cff7bb0-c660-406f-aa26-ea2ca65e5e2f | https://app.sushi.com/swap | app.sushi.com | ||||||||