加密货币交易中心列表 / 评论
Reliable exchange ratings based on regulatory strength, liquidity, web traffic and popularity, pricing, features, and customer support, with undiscounted fees comparison.
Exchange | 注册链接 | 总体评价 | 规 | 量 24 小时 | 接受者费用 | 制作费 | # 币 | # 币对 | 支持Fiat | 接受美国客户 | 接受加拿大客户 | 接受日本客户 | 资产类别 | 每月自然访问 | 9427eca4-1581-4c7d-8234-b4b4d88503dc | ||
SWFT Trade | 11 币 |
6,547 (99.49%) | 6b198f03-fca7-4741-8c73-a8b59da4ce20 | https://www.swft.pro/#/ | |||||||||||
Balanced |
$379,660 170.66%
费用 | 费用 | 11 币 | 11 币对 |
11,997 (99.32%) | d1fb7e27-bf80-405a-acaa-72d906a7c08e | https://stats.balanced.network/ | |||||||
50x |
$44,112 102.71%
费用 | 费用 | 24 币 | 105 币对 |
5,700 (99.78%) | 6e1f27d1-ec21-4c02-88e8-9cfa1d014eca | https://trade.50x.com/ | trade.50x.com | ||||||
FreiExchange |
$10,816 406.09%
费用 | 费用 | 49 币 | 48 币对 |
9,586 (99.91%) | e50313c6-946f-4dbd-812d-e874f8e5e414 | https://freiexchange.com/ | |||||||
Bibox |
$696,241,512 7.45%
0.20% 费用 |
0.10% 费用 |
311 币 | 386 币对 |
5,123 (99.68%) | b6b4036c-9696-404f-824c-2a3e5aee75ef | https://www.bibox.com/ | |||||||
DeFiChain DEX |
$449,099 44.51%
30 币 | 32 币对 |
11,181 (99.48%) | 798eb869-7709-45df-8fa5-0134aa7c791a | https://dex.defichain.com/mainnet/pool | dex.defichain.com | ||||||||
Orion (BSC) |
0.00% |
0.00% |
14 币 |
10,696 (99.44%) | d1da9406-5f08-4fcb-afa9-b7cb9f5172b6 | https://orion.xyz/ | |||||||||
Nash |
$52,730 90.67%
费用 | 费用 | 4 币 | 3 币对 |
10,812 (99.40%) | 167abb84-8a9c-4a9f-9b0c-5f72de5dda4a | https://app.nash.io/trade/markets/asset-pairs | app.nash.io | ||||||
Orion (ETH) |
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 |
10,696 (99.44%) | 8053ee6c-874c-4261-a485-56ae7160d5c7 | https://orion.xyz/ | |||||||||
VyFinance |
$160,788 21.97%
0.00% |
0.00% |
19 币 | 18 币对 |
11,406 (99.38%) | 87280b68-9715-43ba-993e-b3793e935660 | https://www.vyfi.io/ | |||||||
Ramses |
$9,123 43.07%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
16 币 | 17 币对 |
11,809 (99.44%) | 93e8b1a5-18ee-44d9-aa3c-80c8d6aca677 | https://ramses.exchange | |||||||
Ramses v2 |
0.00% |
0.00% |
22 币 |
11,809 (99.44%) | 0494b1e2-df90-4d3c-ae73-dfbeadd7db38 | https://www.ramses.exchange/ | |||||||||
Koinpark |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
137 币 |
9,764 (99.05%) | 596281b1-6f1b-4b02-9267-997cc2345dcb | https://www.koinpark.com | |||||||||
Millionero |
0.08% 费用 |
0.08% 费用 |
40 币 |
9,782 (98.81%) | 6b3a89d1-0734-43f8-a04e-f605ad8fbf6d | https://app.millionero.com/markets | |||||||||
Dfyn Network |
$47,733 27.15%
27 币 | 33 币对 |
8,743 (99.81%) | 761525cd-f3fb-4e8a-b1c7-2345fa1e19b8 | https://exchange.dfyn.network/ | exchange.dfyn.network | ||||||||
4E |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
141 币 |
1,851 (99.40%) | 8efd5e5a-b618-4e6a-bc7d-2ef4ef9cacb1 | https://www.eeee.com/ | |||||||||
Sovryn |
$336,075 48.92%
费用 | 费用 | 8 币 | 7 币对 |
8,073 (99.43%) | 6524f0ca-3633-4a99-a8c1-b7d4b432ad67 | https://live.sovryn.app/ | |||||||
DackieSwap |
$123,865 3.65%
0.00% |
0.00% |
8 币 | 18 币对 |
8,736 (99.27%) | 3149a6a0-93af-47b1-8bce-97d8597da5dd | https://www.dackieswap.xyz | |||||||
WingRiders DEX |
$28,014 14.20%
0.00% |
0.00% |
23 币 | 22 币对 |
8,791 (99.54%) | 357e0678-6199-486e-9b77-76f5b8eead2b | https://app.wingriders.com/ | |||||||
Henjin DEX |
$10,931 66.21%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
8,609 (99.83%) | b5c3bbf7-643d-4599-8366-6b2b3eba49f7 | https://henjin.xyz/ | |||||||
IceCreamSwap (Core) |
$703 73.60%
0.00% |
0.00% |
8 币 | 8 币对 |
8,345 (99.42%) | 955c8902-2f47-4306-8311-3be03287d6c0 | https://icecreamswap.com/swap?chainId=1116 | |||||||
Dcoin |
$36,927,053 4.94%
0.20% 费用 |
0.20% 费用 |
8 币 | 7 币对 |
1,314 (99.53%) | 5bca66db-e92b-4c2d-97f7-9b0ab1b5f470 | https://www.dcoin.com/ | |||||||
Merchant Moe |
$336,822 68.56%
0.00% |
0.00% |
13 币 | 21 币对 |
7,290 (99.36%) | 1c2fb981-a318-4c3e-97af-31ab8b342889 | https://merchantmoe.com/ | |||||||
Merchant Moe v2.2 (Mantle) |
$17,385,243 77.19%
0.00% |
0.00% |
11 币 | 16 币对 |
7,290 (99.36%) | 715702df-80f7-4dda-93ce-84b2a8279cb0 | https://merchantmoe.com/ | |||||||
Koi Finance |
$397,997 172.45%
0.00% |
0.00% |
17 币 | 19 币对 |
7,596 (99.03%) | a3643498-f271-4e50-ab58-7dab5be0aef0 | https://app.koi.finance/ | |||||||
ApeSwap (BSC) |
$300,625 60.29%
费用 | 费用 | 111 币 | 122 币对 |
7,831 (99.28%) | b94dd0bb-2f11-4106-8afa-e736028045c4 | https://dex.apeswap.finance/#/swap | dex.apeswap.finance | ||||||
Beethoven X (Fantom) |
$359,042 22.20%
23 币 | 46 币对 |
6,696 (99.50%) | 59607936-dcd2-428d-b914-4bcf9fb2e171 | https://app.beets.fi/#/trade | app.beets.fi | ||||||||
Splash |
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 币 |
7,151 (99.01%) | 7720b49c-f7ce-450b-b1bf-2a3ee62ac5e3 | https://exchange.splash.trade/liquidity | |||||||||
Sonic |
$51,608 8.11%
0.00% |
0.00% |
13 币 | 15 币对 |
7,230 (99.76%) | 2b87b1bd-22c4-40b5-8de1-a825d8044060 | https://data.sonic.ooo/ | |||||||
ApeSwap (Polygon) |
$15,636 84.01%
费用 | 费用 | 18 币 | 18 币对 |
7,831 (99.28%) | e4899d6f-8705-4a2d-8772-f8f20f8b7d0b | https://apeswap.finance/ | |||||||
ApeSwap (Arbitrum) |
$576 57.05%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
7 币 | 7 币对 |
7,831 (99.28%) | 3afea6f0-ed83-4f75-b34c-ec30ca1b1559 | https://apeswap.finance/ | |||||||
Beethoven X (Optimism) |
$2,317,323 19.61%
0.00% |
0.00% |
15 币 | 24 币对 |
6,696 (99.50%) | 5bdd7291-7897-4ead-926b-b2e187e335b2 | https://app.beets.fi/#/trade | |||||||
Bitci TR |
$52,794,256 1.65%
费用 | 费用 | 125 币 | 136 币对 |
4,776 (99.46%) | 5d6518db-ca9e-43e7-acec-c1685b5bcb23 | https://www.bitci.com/ | |||||||
Bitay |
$5,623,717 6.63%
费用 | 费用 | 71 币 | 110 币对 |
616 (99.21%) | eac1b618-3def-4632-8298-50426e00f109 | https://www.bitay.com/en | |||||||
Aibit |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
66 币 |
在 50,000 下 | fcd3dcf3-9349-491e-8f2d-51a16aa3a455 | https://www.aibit.com/ | |||||||||
BankCEX |
$3,149,502 31.67%
费用 | 费用 | 72 币 | 90 币对 |
1,460 (99.48%) | 55a5c856-75e3-49b5-bc07-44de9b677854 | https://bankcex.com/ | |||||||
Saber DEX |
$3,008,991 0.04%
费用 | 费用 | 16 币 | 14 币对 |
6,068 (99.39%) | 702dd339-8a88-4c3a-954a-5c5dec42ec91 | https://app.saber.so/#/swap | |||||||
Swop.fi | 费用 | 费用 | 10 币 |
4,581 (99.94%) | 44c849de-a18a-4b77-a409-74170757419a | https://swop.fi/ | |||||||||
Polyx |
$33,354,999 0.60%
费用 | 费用 | 7 币 | 7 币对 |
2,761 (99.61%) | bcf67fb1-1651-4584-8290-9e7a0c14cc3b | https://polyx.net | |||||||
Velocore |
$4,475 392.39%
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 币 | 4 币对 |
4,553 (99.44%) | 99b38e55-afdd-489e-8365-3951e2b41b87 | https://app.velocore.xyz/swap | |||||||
SwapBased |
$18,818 19.29%
0.00% |
0.00% |
7 币 | 9 币对 |
5,487 (99.26%) | fc37e233-065c-4278-a225-53477305a905 | https://swapbased.finance/ | |||||||
Flybit |
$0 0.00%
费用 | 费用 | 15 币 | 14 币对 |
3,138 (99.65%) | b7a7564e-7a73-4111-a738-06673ae8f98c | https://flybit.com/ | |||||||
Emirex |
$746,782 31.39%
费用 | 费用 | 27 币 | 32 币对 |
1,248 (99.60%) | 88233279-374f-4e61-a0d6-86e41bdc7bdd | http://emirex.com/ | |||||||
BitHash |
$30,188,591 4.16%
费用 | 费用 | 15 币 | 16 币对 |
2,365 (99.49%) | d7560b3b-f1c4-4ca5-a27d-e7b1f212d162 | https://www.bithash.net/ | |||||||
PowerTrade |
$601,738 43.70%
费用 | 费用 | 10 币 | 10 币对 |
4,385 (99.56%) | 5ced3440-2e40-47f0-a826-d396c40d3178 | https://app.power.trade/trade/spot/BTC-USD | |||||||
3EX |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
49 币 |
在 50,000 下 | 91f70137-4db7-49b1-b139-55c6c7925834 | https://www.3ex.com/ | |||||||||
Topcredit Int |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
139 币 |
203 (99.29%) | d3243cc2-9073-4d82-a605-d91944580c0f | https://www.tope.com/ | |||||||||
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
46 币 |
1,656 (99.32%) | 00dd8cbf-ca31-4122-aa66-ea01d1f23e60 | https://www.bika.one/#/home/en | |||||||||
BITmarkets |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
216 币 |
在 50,000 下 | b3aaac41-bb12-451c-a194-8cb6f0ca62e5 | https://bitmarkets.com/en | |||||||||
Flipster |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
253 币 |
在 50,000 下 | 45d25373-dec1-47a1-8ce4-373a4827a2ba | https://flipster.xyz/ | |||||||||